更新時間:2024-03-24 03:20作者:小編
?McCarthyite是一個形容詞,用來形容像美國參議員Joseph McCarthy一樣的人,指那些通過不擇手段、造謠污蔑來打擊對手的人。這個詞源于20世紀50年代美國上的一場大風暴,當時美國參議員Joseph McCarthy聲稱主義者已經滲透到美國和社會各個層面,他通過無中生有的指控和恐嚇手段來迫使許多人承認自己是主義者或者與主義者有,導致許多人失去工作和聲譽。因此,McCarthyite一詞也常用來形容那些使用類似手段來打擊對手的人。
McCarthyite [m??kɑ?rθi?sa?t]
1. The senator's aggressive tactics against his political opponents earned him the label of a McCarthyite. 這位參議員針對對手采取的激進策略使他被貼上了“麥卡錫主義者”的標簽。
2. The media was quick to criticize the politician for his McCarthyite tactics. 媒體很快就批評這位家的麥卡錫主義手段。
3. The fear of being labeled a McCarthyite caused many people to stay silent during that dark period of American history. 害怕被貼上“麥卡錫主義者”的標簽使許多人在那段美國歷史的黑暗時期保持沉默。
4. The candidate's supporters were accused of engaging in McCarthyite tactics to discredit their opponent. 這位候選人的支持者被指控使用麥卡錫主義手段來詆毀對手。
5. The country's political climate has become increasingly polarized, with both sides resorting to McCarthyite tactics to attack each other. 這個的氛圍越來越極化,兩方都采取麥卡錫主義手段來攻擊對方。
1. Red-baiting: 指責某人與主義有關,尤其是沒有證據的指責。:The senator resorted to red-baiting in order to discredit his opponent.
2. Witch-hunt: 指無端指責和迫害某人,通常是出于動機。:The government's investigation into the journalist's sources was seen as a witch-hunt.
3. Character assassination: 指通過造謠或誹謗來毀壞某人的聲譽。:The politician's opponents resorted to character assassination in an attempt to ruin his chances of winning the election.