更新時間:2024-03-22 22:27作者:小編
發(fā)音:chāng fù
1. 她被人稱為這個城市最有名的娼婦。
She is known as the most famous prostitute in this city.
2. 這個小鎮(zhèn)上沒有一個男人不知道她是個娼婦。
There is not a single man in this town who doesn't know she is a prostitute.
3. 她曾經是一個普通的家庭主婦,但因為生活所迫,被迫淪落為一名娼婦。
She used to be a regular housewife, but due to financial difficulties, she was forced to become a prostitute.
4. 這部電影講述了一個年輕女子如何從一個無辜的少女變成一名墮落的娼婦。
This movie tells the story of how a young girl transforms from an innocent teenager into a fallen prostitute.
5. 她在這座城市的娼婦行業(yè)中已經干了十年,但仍然無法擺脫貧窮的生活。
She has been working in the prostitution industry in this city for ten years, but still cannot escape from poverty.
1. (jì nǚ):指從事賣淫活動的女性,與娼婦的意思相同,但語氣更加貶義。
2. 拉皮條(lā pí tiáo):指從事拉皮條行業(yè)的女性,也可以用來形容不道德或放蕩的女性。
3. 聲色犬馬(shēng sè quǎn mǎ):形容放蕩或不道德的女性。
4. 女流氓(nǚ liú máng):指從事非法活動、不良行為或放蕩生活的女性。