更新時間:2024-03-21 10:49作者:小編
highdefinition [ha??d?f??n???n]
1. The new TV has a high definition display, making the images appear more lifelike. (這臺新電視擁有高清晰度顯示屏,使得圖像更加逼真。)
2. I can't believe how clear the picture is on this high definition camera. (我簡直不敢相信這款高清相機拍出來的照片有多清晰。)
3. The high definition version of this film is only available on Blu-ray. (這部電影的高清版本只能在藍光光盤上獲得。)
4. The high definition video conference allowed us to see each other clearly even though we were miles apart. (高清晰度的視頻讓我們即使相距千里也能清楚地看到彼此。)
5. The high definition graphics in the video game make it feel like you are actually in the game. (游戲中的高清晰度圖形讓你感覺就像真的置身于游戲中一樣。)
1. HD (abbreviation for high definition)是high definition的縮寫,可以作為同義詞使用。
2. Clear和crisp都可以用來形容高清晰度的圖像或視頻,:a clear/crisp high definition picture (一個清晰/銳利的高清晰度圖像)。
3. Sharp也可以用來形容高清晰度,:The image on the screen is very sharp and detailed. (屏幕上的圖像非常銳利和詳細。)