更新時間:2024-03-19 03:11作者:小編
Anal-area is a noun that refers to the region of the body surrounding the anus. It is typically used in medical or anatomical contexts.
The anal-area is an important part of the body that plays a role in digestion and excretion.
1. The doctor examined the patient's anal-area for any signs of infection.
2. Proper hygiene is essential for maintaining a healthy anal-area.
3. The anal-area can be prone to irritation and discomfort if not taken care of properly.
4. The anus and surrounding anal-area are sensitive areas that require gentle care.
5. The doctor advised the patient to avoid spicy foods as they can cause irritation in the anal-area.
Perianal region, anorectal area, rectal area.
The perianal region includes both the anus and the surrounding anal-area.
Anal-area refers to the area around the anus and is commonly used in medical or anatomical contexts. Proper hygiene is important for maintaining a healthy anal-area, and it can be prone to irritation if not taken care of properly. Synonyms for anal-area include perianal region, anorectal area, and rectal area.