更新時間:2024-03-09 01:30作者:小編
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Aero-Peek is a software developed by Microsoft to provide a quick preview of open windows and applications on the desk. It allows users to hover their mouse over an application or window and see a live preview of its contents without actually switching to it.
1. I love using Aero-Peek to quickly check my emails without having to switch windows.
2. With Aero-Peek, I can easily see which tab in my browser has the video I want to watch.
3. The Aero-Peek feature has made multitasking on my computer much more efficient.
4. Aero-Peek is especially useful when I have multiple windows open and need to find a specific one quickly.
5. I can't imagine using my computer without the convenience of Aero-Peek.
1. Preview - a similar feature in other operating systems or software that allows users to see a glimpse of an application or window without actually switching to it.
預覽 - 其他操作或軟件中類似的功能,允許用戶在不實際切換到它的情況下看到應用程序或窗口的一瞥。
2. Quick Look - a feature in macOS that provides a quick preview of files and documents without opening them.
快速查看 - macOS中提供的一種功能,可以在不打開文件和文檔的情況下快速預覽它們。
3. Peek - a feature in Windows 10 that allows users to peek at open windows and applications by hovering over their icons on the taskbar.
窺視 - Windows 10中的一種功能,允許用戶在任務欄鼠標懸停在圖標上來窺視打開的窗口和應用程序。