更新時(shí)間:2023-12-15 10:16作者:佚名
Dear Mr./Ms.,
I hereby authorize you to act as my representative and to perform the following actions:
1. To collect myinheritance and distribute it among my beneficiaries in accordance with my testamentary dispositions.
2. To represent me in all legal proceedings and to appear before any court or other competent authority in my behalf.
3. To collect any sums of money due to me from any party and to recover any property rights to which I am entitled.
4. To exercise any other rights and perform any other duties which I have assigned to you in this letter.
I hereby confirm that you have been duly appointed as my representative and that you have full power and authority to act on my behalf in the above matters. This authorization is valid from the date of this letter and remains in force until revoked by me in writing.
Yours sincerely,
(Your name)
We, he udersiged, hereby auhorize he bearer of his docume, [ame of he Auhorized Perso], o ac o our behalf ad perform he followig asks:
1. To represe us i all dealigs ad rasacios wih [ame of he Third Pary].
2. To sig ad execue ay documes or agreemes ecessary for he compleio of he rasacios or dealigs wih [ame of he Third Pary].
3. To represe our ieress ad righs i all maers relaed o he rasacios or dealigs wih [ame of he Third Pary].
We cofirm ha he auhorized perso has bee properly auhorized ad has he ecessary powers ad auhoriies o perform he above asks. We also cofirm ha we have provided all ecessary iformaio ad documes o eable he auhorized perso o perform heir duies effecively.
We udersad ha ay acios ake by he auhorized perso o our behalf will be bidig o us ad we will be resposible for ay acios ake by hem. We also udersad ha his auhorizaio is valid oly for he duraio of he rasacios or dealigs wih [ame of he Third Pary] ad ay exesios will require furher auhorizaio from us.
We hereby declare ha he above iformaio is rue ad accurae o he bes of our kowledge ad belief.
[Your ame]
[Your Sigaure]