更新時間:2024-04-19 15:58作者:小編
英: 美:
1、Her great eyes swung round on me like searchlights.───她的兩只大眼睛像探照燈一樣在我身上掃視.
2、see the earth takes twenty-four hours to turn round on its axis.───知道地球繞軸轉一回要用二十四個鐘頭。
3、Buck Mulligan swung round on his heel.───勃克·穆利根用腳后跟轉了個圈兒.
4、No one would be prying round on a day like this.───在這樣的日子肯定不會有人在附近窺探.
5、The pretty player spun round and round on the ice.───溜冰者在冰上不停地打轉轉.
6、The tiger round on the hunters.───老虎轉身向獵人們撲去.
7、Please draw a round on the paper.───請在紙上畫個圓.
8、She swung round ( on him ) angrily.───她氣憤地轉過身來 ( 朝向他 ).
9、That was the extent of our daily round on the island.───我們在島上每天的日子差不多也就是這個樣子了.
10、The colours rotated round on a disc and were reflected onto the wall behind.───圓盤上色彩流轉,反射到后面的墻上。
11、Hook had well-nigh forgotten his prisoners, but as he swung round on them now his face lit up again.───胡克幾乎忘記了他的俘虜們,但當他轉過身來看著他們的時候,他的臉上出現(xiàn)快樂的神情。
12、Riding a merry - go - round on Sundays is considered a crime.───星期天乘坐旋轉 木馬 被視為犯罪行為.
13、A wheel revolves round / on its axis.───輪子是繞軸旋轉的.
14、From the fifth round on the fighter traded punches at close range.───從第5回合起,雙方開始近距離互攻.
15、I played Kei Nishikori in the first round on Center Court.───第一輪就是在中心球場打的。
16、His mind sagged round and round on the same track.───他的念頭一而再再而三地在一條軌道上轉著.
17、The car slewed round on the icy road.───汽車在結冰的路上打滑了.
18、The skater spun round and round on the ice.───滑冰者在冰上快速轉圈.
1、ground on───基于
2、round out───完成
3、round off───完成;使完美;把…修圓磨光;圓滿結束
4、rounded on───vt.告密);突然生氣地責罵(反駁
5、round lot───整批,成批
6、rounds on───vt.告密);突然生氣地責罵(反駁
7、ground in───訓練…;打好…的基礎
8、round down───下舍入
9、round in───牽索;拉繩
round on1. 突然攻擊,責罵
round up1. 驅攏;集攏2. 趕攏:把(牛群)從不同的地方趕到一塊兒