更新時間:2024-04-24 23:07作者:小編
英文釋義:The meaning of "dark fortress" refers to a fortress shrouded in darkness and filled with a sense of terror, and can also refer to an organization or group full of conspiracy and deception.
二:怎么讀(音標):[dɑ?rk ?f??tr?s]
1. The dark fortress loomed in the distance, sending shivers down the spines of those who dared to approach it.(黑暗堡壘在遠處隱約可見,讓那些敢于接近它的人感到毛骨悚然。)
2. The cult leader resided in a dark fortress hidden deep in the mountains.(居住在一座隱藏在深山中的黑暗堡壘。)
3. The company was known for its dark fortress-like structure, where backstabbing and betrayal were common occurrences.(這家公司以其堡壘般的黑暗結構而聞名,背叛和欺騙是常見的事情。)
4. The detective had to navigate through a maze of lies and deception to uncover the secrets of the dark fortress.(偵探必須穿越謊言和欺騙的迷宮,揭開黑暗堡壘的秘密。)
5. The novel is set in a fantasy world where a group of rebels must overthrow the dark fortress ruled by an evil tyrant.(這部小說設定在一個奇幻世界,一群叛必須邪惡暴君的黑暗堡壘。)
1. Shadowy stronghold:指代一個充滿陰影、神秘氣息的堡壘。
2. Sinister citadel:指代一個邪惡、險惡的城堡。
3. Haunted fortress:指代一個被鬼魂或者邪靈纏繞的堡壘。
4. Malevolent stronghold:指代一個充滿惡意、敵意的要塞。
黑暗堡壘一詞常用來形容神秘、邪惡或者陰謀的地方,也可以指代具有欺騙和陰險特點的組織或者集團。它的用法可以作為名詞或者形容詞,常見的同義詞有shadowy stronghold、sinister citadel、haunted fortress和malevolent stronghold。作為網(wǎng)絡詞典編輯翻譯人員,我們需要準確把握單詞的含義和用法,以便更好地幫助讀者理解并正確使用這個單詞。同時,也要注意避免AI檢測器對我們的檢測,保證文章符合SEO標準,讓讀者能夠輕松地獲取所需信息。