更新時(shí)間:2024-04-24 16:54作者:小編
英文釋義:Riding the wind and galloping like a fairy in the sky. This idiom is used to describe someone or something that is light, agile, and beautiful.
cān fēng sì xiá (cān fēng sì xiá)
1. 她優(yōu)雅地穿過花園,像驂風(fēng)駟霞般輕盈動(dòng)人。
She gracefully walked through the garden, as light and beautiful as riding the wind and galloping like a fairy.
2. 那群孩子在草地上奔跑嬉戲,宛如驂風(fēng)駟霞般歡快。
The children ran and played on the grass, as joyful as riding the wind and galloping like fairies.
3. 他的舞姿像驂風(fēng)駟霞一樣,令人陶醉。
His dancing is as enchanting as riding the wind and galloping like fairies.
4. 她的歌聲輕盈如驂風(fēng)駟霞,讓人心曠神怡。
Her singing is as light and beautiful as riding the wind and galloping like fairies, bringing joy to people's hearts.
5. 她的筆下的文字像驂風(fēng)駟霞一樣靈動(dòng),讓人讀后心生贊嘆。
The words she writes are as agile and beautiful as riding the wind and galloping like fairies, leaving readers in awe.
1. 飄逸(piāo yì):形容輕盈、優(yōu)雅、靈動(dòng)。
2. 輕盈(qīng yíng):形容身體或行為輕巧、靈活。
3. 神采飛揚(yáng)(shén cǎi fēi yáng):形容振奮、光彩照人。
4. 飄然(piāo rán):形容姿態(tài)或氣質(zhì)優(yōu)雅、高雅。
5. 輕巧(qīng qiǎo):形容身手敏捷、行動(dòng)迅速。