更新時間:2024-04-24 10:33作者:小編
How to pronounce: xiàng zhuāng wǔ jiàn, yì zài pèi gōng (Chinese)
"項莊舞劍,意在沛公" is often used to metaphorically describe a behavior of challenging authority or attempting to overthrow the current order. It can also be used to describe someone who deceives others with a false appearance in order to achieve a hidden goal.
1. 他們公司總裁就像是項莊舞劍,意在沛公,企圖挑戰(zhàn)市場上已經穩(wěn)固的領導者。
Their CEO is like Xiang Zhuang dancing with a sword, aiming to challenge the established leader in the market.
2. 這位政客的言行就像是項莊舞劍,意在沛公,試圖顛覆現(xiàn)有的秩序。
The words and actions of this politician are like Xiang Zhuang dancing with a sword, attempting to overthrow the current political order.
3. 他總是以假象欺騙別人,像是項莊舞劍,意在沛公,暗中謀求自己的利益。
He always deceives others with a false appearance, just like Xiang Zhuang dancing with a sword, secretly seeking his own interests.
4. 這部電影中的反派角色就像是項莊舞劍,意在沛公,企圖正義的力量。
The villain in this movie is like Xiang Zhuang dancing with a sword, aiming to overthrow the forces of justice.
5. 她的行為就像是項莊舞劍,意在沛公,試圖挑戰(zhàn)我的權威地位。
Her behavior is like Xiang Zhuang dancing with a sword, trying to challenge my authority.
1. 隔岸觀火:指旁觀者不愿意參與其中而只是旁觀。
2. 暗渡陳倉:指暗中偷襲或秘密行動。
3. 走為上計:指采取逃避、回避或退讓的策略。
4. 虎頭蛇尾:指開始時有聲勢,后來卻失去了動力。
5. 假公濟私:指以公正的名義行事,實際上是為了私利。
1. 隔岸觀火 (gé àn guān huǒ): to watch from the sidelines, not willing to participate.
2. 暗渡陳倉 (àn dù chén cāng): to make a surprise attack or take secret action.
3. 走為上計 (zǒu wéi shàng jì): to take the strategy of evasion, avoidance, or retreat.
4. 虎頭蛇尾 (hǔ tóu shé wěi): to start with great momentum but lose motivation later on.
5. 假公濟私 (jiǎ gōng jì sī): to act in the name of justice but actually for personal gain.