更新時間:2024-04-24 07:03作者:小編
?一:雪中送炭是指在困難或危機時給予幫助或支援,相當于“雪中送炭”(英文:a helping hand in time of need)。
二:讀音為“xuě zhōng sòng tàn”,音標為/xwe? t??? s?? t?n/。
1. 在我遇到困難的時候,他總是能夠給我雪中送炭。When I was in trouble, he always gave me a helping hand.
2. 這家慈善每年都會向貧困地區(qū)的居民雪中送炭。This charity organization provides a helping hand to the residents in impoverished areas every year.
3. 在這場自然災害中,許多志愿者都紛紛前來雪中送炭。In this natural disaster, many volunteers have come to offer a helping hand.
4. 這份工作雖然很累,但是能夠為社會做出貢獻,就像是在雪中送炭一樣。Although this job is tiring, it is like offering a helping hand to society.
5. 他的慷慨解囊就像是在雪中送炭,讓我們渡過了最艱難的時刻。His generous donation was like a helping hand in the snow, helping us through the most difficult time.
1. 雪中送炭(a helping hand in time of need):形容在困難時期給予幫助。
2. 拔刀相助(lend a helping hand):形容在別人需要時伸出援手。
3. 解囊相助(offer financial aid):形容提供財務上的幫助。
4. 助人為樂(do good deeds):形容樂于幫助他人。
5. 伸出援手(extend a helping hand):形容主動提供幫助。