更新時間:2024-04-24 06:42作者:小編
A young prostitute or a prostitute who is under the age of eighteen. In ancient China, it usually refers to girls under the age of thirteen who were forced into prostitution in brothels.
雛妓 [chú jì]
Chuji is usually used to describe underage girls engaged in prostitution. This term carries a negative connotation, as it implies that these girls are forced or deprived of the right to choose. In modern society, the term "chuji" is rarely used and is more commonly referred to as underage sex workers.
1. 這個青樓里有很多雛妓,她們都是被迫進入這個行業(yè)的。
There are many "chuji" in this brothel, and they are all forced into this industry.
2. 雛妓的存在暴露了社會對未成年女性的保護不力。
The existence of "chuji" exposes the society's inadequate protection for underage girls.
3. 這部電影講述了一個雛妓逃離青樓的故事。
This movie tells the story of a "chuji" escaping from a brothel.
4. 她被迫成為一名雛妓,從此失去了自由和尊嚴。
She was forced to become a "chuji", losing her freedom and dignity.
5. 雛妓們面臨著來自客人和老板的身體和心理上的雙重傷害。
"Chuji" face both physical and psychological harm from customers and brothel owners.
1. 青樓小姐:指在青樓從事賣淫活動的女性,也可指未成年。
2. 少女性工作者:指從事賣淫活動的未成年女性。
3. 未成年:指年齡在十八歲以下從事賣淫活動的女性。
4. 少女賣淫:指少女從事賣淫活動。