更新時間:2024-04-22 07:45作者:小編
Art lover (noun): A person who has a strong interest and passion for various forms of art. They appreciate and collect various artworks, including paintings, sculptures, photography, music, dance, etc. They may also be involved in creating or researching art.
Three: 用法:該詞可用作名詞,表示對藝術有濃厚興趣和熱愛的人。
Usage: This word can be used as a noun to refer to a person who has a strong interest and passion for art.
1. She is an avid art lover and spends most of her free time visiting galleries and museums.
2. As an art lover, he has a keen eye for details and can appreciate the beauty of even the smallest brushstroke.
3. The art exhibition attracted a large number of art lovers from all over the world.
4. Being an art lover, she always looks for unique and unconventional pieces to add to her collection.
5. The local art society organizes regular events and workshops for art lovers to gather and share their passion for art.
1. Art enthusiast (noun): A person who is highly interested in and knowledgeable about various forms of art.
例句:She is an art enthusiast, always eager to learn about new artists and their works.
2. Art connoisseur (noun): A person who has a deep understanding and appreciation for different types of art.
例句:He is an art connoisseur, able to discern the quality and value of artworks with his expertise.
3. Art aficionado (noun): A person who has a strong passion for collecting and learning about artworks.
例句:The gallery owner is an avid art aficionado, constantly seeking out new talents to showcase in her space.
藝術品愛好者是指對各種形式的藝術作品具有濃厚興趣和熱愛的人,他們欣賞并收集各種藝術作品,并可能參與藝術創(chuàng)作或研究。該詞可以用作名詞,常與其他同義詞如art enthusiast、art connoisseur和art aficionado一起使用。作為網(wǎng)絡詞典編輯翻譯人員,要注意使用簡潔明了的語言解釋單詞或句子的含義,避免出現(xiàn)過于復雜的句式和術語,讓讀者能夠輕松理解。同時,也要注意使用正確的音標和例句來幫助讀者更好地掌握單詞的用法。