更新時間:2024-04-21 10:04作者:小編
英文:Manuscript refers to the original, unedited draft of a written work, or it can also refer to someone's handwritten document. In ancient China, "gaozi" (稿子) could also refer to letters or poems.
Manuscript [?m?nj?skr?pt]
1. The author submitted his manuscript to the publishing company for review.
2. The manuscript was filled with typos and needed to be carefully proofread.
3. The publisher requested that the author make some changes to the manuscript before it could be published.
4. The handwritten manuscript was difficult to read due to the author's messy handwriting.
5. The ancient Chinese poet's manuscripts were carefully preserved and studied by future generations.
1. Draft: refers to a preliminary version of a written work, often used for revision or editing purposes.
2. Script: specifically refers to the written text of a play, movie, or television show.
3. Autograph: refers to a handwritten document or signature of a famous person.
4. Copy: can refer to a manuscript that has been copied from an original version.
5. Transcript: specifically refers to a written record of spoken words, such as a speech or interview.