更新時間:2024-04-20 17:23作者:小編
What does the phrase "玉不琢,不成器" mean?
Without proper polishing and refining, jade cannot become a valuable gem; similarly, without hard work and perseverance, one cannot become a useful talent. This phrase metaphorically implies that one must go through hardships and challenges in order to achieve success.
玉(yù) 不(bù) 琢(zhuó), 不(bù) 成(chéng) 器(qì)
How to pronounce the phrase:
yù bù zhuó, bù chéng qì
This phrase is commonly used to describe the need for a person to go through hardships and challenges in order to achieve success. It can also be used as a reminder for oneself or others to study diligently in order to reach their goals.
1. 希望你記住,玉不琢,不成器。
Remember, without proper polishing and refining, jade cannot become a valuable gem.
2. 他從小就知道玉不琢,不成器的道理,所以一直努力學習。
He has known the saying "玉不琢,不成器" since he was young, so he has been studying hard.
3. 這個項目需要經過多年的磨練和實踐,才能取得成功。你知道啊,玉不琢,不成器。
This project requires years of training and practice in order to succeed. You know, "玉不琢,不成器".
4. 她是一個很優(yōu)秀的演員,但她也明白玉不琢,不成器的道理。所以她每天都在努力提高自己的表演技巧。
She is a great actress, but she also understands the saying "玉不琢,不成器". That's why she works hard every day to improve her acting skills.
5. 我們公司的成功都來自于團隊每個人的努力和奮斗。大家都明白,玉不琢,不成器。
The success of our company comes from the hard work and dedication of each team member. We all understand that "玉不琢,不成器".
1. 磨練:指通過艱苦的鍛煉來提高自身能力和素質。
2. 修煉:指通過不斷的學習和實踐來提升自己的能力和境界。
3. 磨礪:指通過不斷的摩擦和磨礪來鍛煉自己,使自己變得更加堅強。
4. 勤奮:指勤奮努力地工作,以達到目標。
5. 努力:指付出艱苦的努力,以求達到目標。
1. 磨練 (mó liàn): refers to improving one's abilities and qualities through hard training.
2. 修煉 (xiū liàn): refers to continuously learning and practicing in order to improve one's abilities and state of mind.
3. 磨礪 (mó lì): refers to constantly facing challenges and difficulties in order to become stronger.
4. 勤奮 (qín fèn): refers to working diligently in order to achieve a goal.
5. 努力 (nǔ lì): refers to putting in hard work and effort in order to achieve a goal.