更新時間:2024-04-20 15:44作者:小編
How to pronounce: [hěn hěn dì dǎ]
1. 狠狠地打 can be used to describe physical actions, such as hitting, punching, or slapping.
2. It can also be used to describe verbal attacks or strong emotional expressions.
3. This phrase is often used in an angry or aggressive tone.
1. 他狠狠地打了我一拳,讓我差點(diǎn)暈倒。
He punched me hard and almost knocked me out.
2. 她聽到這個消息后,狠狠地打了他一頓。
After hearing the news, she gave him a good beating.
3. 我真想狠狠地打那個騙子一頓。
I really want to give that scammer a good beating.
1. 猛擊 (měng jī): to strike fiercely
2. 暴打 (bào dǎ): to beat violently
3. 擊打 (jī dǎ): to hit or strike
4. 痛擊 (tòng jī): to hit painfully
5. 怒斥 (nù chì): to angrily scold or rebuke
"狠狠地打" is a commonly used phrase in Chinese language, which can be used to describe physical actions or strong emotional expressions. It is often used in an angry or aggressive tone and can also be used figuratively. Some synonyms of this phrase include "猛擊", "暴打", and "擊打". As a dictionary editor, it is important to provide accurate definitions and usage examples for readers to understand the meaning of this phrase clearly.