更新時間:2024-04-20 06:15作者:小編
Lacquer is a type of coating made from plant or animal resin that is processed to form a paint. It is commonly used for decoration and protection of surfaces. It provides an attractive appearance while also offering functions such as waterproofing, anti-corrosion, and durability.
漆 (qī)
Lacquer can be used on various surfaces such as wood, metal, ceramics, etc. It can be applied by brushing, spraying, or dipping. After drying, it forms a hard film that covers the surface and has strong adhesion.
1. The furniture is coated with a layer of lacquer to protect it from scratches and moisture.
2. The artist used lacquer to create a glossy finish on the painting.
3. The ancient Chinese were skilled in using lacquer to decorate their pottery.
4. The company specializes in producing high-quality lacquer for industrial use.
5. The traditional process of making lacquer involves multiple layers of coating and polishing.
1. 漆料 (qīliào):指用于制作漆的原材料,也可以指涂料本身。
2. 涂料 (túliào):泛指各種用于涂飾物體表面的材料,包括油漆、清漆等。
3. 清漆 (qīngqī):一種無色透明的涂料,常用于保護木制品表面。
4. 油漆 (yóuqī):一種由顏料、稀釋劑和干燥劑等混合而成的涂料,常用于粉刷墻壁或家具。
5. 涂層 (túcóng):指涂在物體表面的一層薄膜,可以是漆、油漆等。