更新時間:2024-04-17 12:22作者:小編
英文翻譯:"形單影雙" (dān dān yǐng shuāng) means that a person has two identities or roles while being alone. This phrase is often used to describe how a person plays different roles in different situations or environments.
dān dān yǐng shuāng (dahn dahn ying shwahng)
1. 他是一位成功的商人,但同時也是一位貼心的父親,他總是能夠巧妙地平衡他的工作和家庭生活,形單影雙。
He is a successful businessman, but also a caring father, he always manages to balance his work and family life skillfully, playing two roles at the same time.
2. 她是一位受人尊敬的律師,但在家里,她卻是一個溫柔體貼的妻子和母親,她的形單影雙讓人們敬佩。
She is a respected lawyer, but at home, she is a gentle and caring wife and mother, her ability to play two roles is admirable.
3. 這位演員可以在不同類型的電影中扮演各種角色,他的形單影雙讓觀眾印象深刻。
This actor can play various roles in different types of movies, his ability to play two roles is impressive to the audience.
4. 她在工作中總是冷靜、果斷,但在朋友聚會上卻是一個開朗幽默的人,她的形單影雙讓人難以琢磨。
She is always calm and decisive at work, but at social gatherings she is a cheerful and humorous person, her dual personality makes it hard for people to figure her out.
5. 他內心深處有著兩種截然不同的想法,他的形單影雙讓他感到矛盾和焦慮。
He has two completely different thoughts in his mind, his dual personality makes him feel conflicted and anxious.
1. 雙重身份 (shuāng chóng shēn fèn):refers to having two identities or roles.
2. 兩面人 (liǎng miàn rén):literally means "two-faced", used to describe someone who has different personalities in different situations.
3. 多面手 (duō miàn shǒu):literally means "multi-talented", used to describe someone who can play multiple roles or has multiple skills.
4. 雙面人 (shuāng miàn rén):similar to 兩面人, also means "two-faced".
5. 多重身份 (duō chóng shēn fèn):similar to 雙重身份, also refers to having multiple identities or roles.