更新時(shí)間:2024-04-17 06:06作者:小編
What is the meaning of "illusion" (Chinese and English interpretation)?
Illusion refers to a false sensation or experience that occurs without external stimuli, which does not match with the real world. It may be caused by mental disorders, drug abuse, lack of sleep, stress, or it can also be a normal person's misconception under certain circumstances.
1. 幻覺通常指在沒有外界刺激的情況下產(chǎn)生的虛假感知。
2. 幻覺也可以指某種不切實(shí)際的想法或期望。
3. 幻覺也可以用來形容某種虛假的景象或景色。
How to pronounce (phonetic):
1. Illusion usually refers to a false perception that occurs without external stimuli.
2. Illusion can also refer to unrealistic thoughts or expectations.
3. Illusion can also describe a false image or scenery.
1. She was suffering from hallucinations and believed that she could communicate with gs.
2. The magician created an illusion of a disappearing coin.
3. The desert heat created the illusion of a lake in the distance.
4. The drugs he took caused him to have auditory illusions, hearing voices that were not there.
5. The company's success was just an illusion, as they were actually struggling financially.
1. Delusion: a persistent false belief despite evidence to the contrary, often associated with mental disorders.
Usage: He suffers from delusions of grandeur, believing he is a famous celebrity.
2. Mirage: an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, making distant objects appear closer or distorted.
Usage: In the desert, one often sees mirages of water due to the extreme heat.
3. Hallucination: a sensory experience without any external stimuli, often associated with mental disorders or drug use.
Usage: She had vivid hallucinations after taking LSD.
4. Deception: an act of deceiving or tricking someone into believing something false.
Usage: He used deception to gain her trust and then stole her money.
5. Fantasy: an imagined or unrealistic idea or scenario.
Usage: She often escapes into a fantasy world to cope with her difficult reality.