更新時間:2024-04-16 07:13作者:小編
Big ears refer to the large ears of a person or animal, which can hear more sounds and music. Big ears can also be used to describe a person's intelligence, sensitivity, and ability to listen to others' opinions.
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1. My dog has big ears that can pick up even the faintest of sounds.
2. The old man with big ears is always willing to lend an ear and offer wise advice.
3. The elephant's big ears help it stay cool in hot weather.
4. The cartoon character Mickey Mouse is known for his big ears.
5. She has a big heart and big ears, always ready to help and listen to others.
1. Large ears - 大耳朵
2. Prominent ears - 突出的耳朵
3. Big-eared - 大耳朵的
4. Oversized ears - 過大的耳朵
5. Elephantine ears - 巨大的耳朵