更新時間:2024-04-13 21:52作者:小編
英文解釋:Yusef al-Kasababa is a noun, referring to a mysterious creature. It comes from a story in the Arabian folk tale "One Thousand and One Nights" and is described as a magical and wise being. In the story, Yusef al-Kasababa helps the protagonist Ali Baba defeat an evil thief and gain wealth and happiness.
Yusef al-Kasababa [ju?s?f ?l k?sɑ?bɑ?bɑ?]
1. 那個男人像是于克塞爾巴巴一樣,總是能找到解決問題的方法。
The man is like Yusef al-Kasababa, always able to find a solution to problems.
2. 在故事中,于克塞爾巴巴是一個非常重要的角色。
In the Arabian tale, Yusef al-Kasababa is a very important character.
3. 我聽說你有一本關(guān)于于克塞爾巴巴的書,可以借給我看嗎?
I heard you have a book about Yusef al-Kasababa, can I borrow it to read?
4. 他的智慧就像是來自于于克塞爾巴巴一樣。
His wisdom is like that of Yusef al-Kasababa.
5. 小說中的主人公遇到了一個神秘的生物,它就像是現(xiàn)實(shí)版的于克塞爾巴巴。
The protagonist in the novel encounters a mysterious creature, which is like a real-life version of Yusef al-Kasababa.
1. 阿里·巴巴(Ali Baba):《天方夜譚》故事中的主人公,和于克塞爾巴巴一起打敗邪惡盜賊。
2. 魔法師(sorcerer):也指具有魔力和智慧的人。
3. 神秘生物(mysterious creature):也可以用來指代于克塞爾巴巴。
4. 智者(wise one):也可以用來形容具有智慧的人或事物。