更新時間:2024-03-30 06:20作者:小編
steal的音標為 /sti?l/。
1. 偷竊:指非法地占有他人的財物。
2. 搶奪:指用手段奪取他人的財物。
3. 悄悄地拿走:指偷偷地拿走某物。
4. 獲得:指以低價或者非正當手段獲得某物。
5. 行動不端:指違反道德、法律或社會規(guī)范的行為。
1. The thief tried to steal the woman's purse, but she caught him in the act.
2. He was arrested for stealing money from his company.
3. She stole a glance at her crush when he wasn't looking.
4. The company is accused of stealing trade secrets from its compe.
5. He's always stealing other people's ideas and claiming them as his own.
1. Rob:指用手段搶劫或者搶奪。
例句:The bank was robbed last night and the robbers got away with millions of dollars.
2. Swipe:指偷偷地拿走某物。
例句:Someone swiped my phone while I wasn't looking.
3. Pilfer:指小偷小摸地偷竊。
例句:The maid was caught pilfering jewelry from her employer's house.
4. Plagiarize:指抄襲或者剽竊他人的作品。
例句:He was expelled from school for plagiarizing his term paper.