更新時間:2024-03-28 04:56作者:小編
Regine [r??d?in]
1. 作為名字時,通常指代女性。在歐洲和加拿大等地比較常見。
2. 作為動詞時,通常用于正式場合,表示某人或某物掌控、支配或影響他人。
1. Her name is Regine, and she is the queen of our kingdom.
2. The company was regined by a new CEO, who brought many changes to the organization.
3. The dictator regined over the country for more than two decades.
4. Regine's beauty and charm captured the hearts of many men.
5. The king's decision to abdicate the throne made Regine the new queen of the kingdom.
1. Queen - 指代女王,也可以作為動詞使用,意為“加冕”或“成為女王”。
2. Reign - 名詞,意為“時期”;動詞,意為“”或“”。與Regine的用法相似。
3. Rule - 動詞,意為“”或“掌權(quán)”。與Regine的用法相似。