更新時間:2024-03-27 07:15作者:小編
1. 名詞用法:porra作為名詞時,可以指代各種類型的棒狀物或者家伙。:
- He was hit by a porra on his head. (他被一根棒子打在頭上。)
- She used a porra to break the window. (她用一根棒子砸碎了窗戶。)
- Don't mess with that porra, he's dangerous. (別惹那個家伙,他很危險。)
2. 動詞用法:porra作為動詞時,通常指代使用力量或者物體進行打擊、敲打或者擊中某物。:
- He porraed the door with his fist. (他用拳頭猛擊門。)
- The police porraed the suspect's car window. (用棍子敲打嫌疑人的車窗。)
- The storm porraed the coast with heavy rain and strong wind. (暴風雨用猛烈的雨水和強勁的風暴襲擊了海岸。)
3. 形容詞用法:porra作為形容詞時,通常指代具有強壯、有力或者堅韌的特征。:
- She has a porra body from years of weightlifting. (她多年舉重鍛煉后擁有一副強壯的身體。)
- The porra tree can withstand strong winds and heavy rain. (這種樹木可以抵御強風和暴雨。)
1. He was hit by a porra on his head. (他被一根棒子打在頭上。)
2. She used a porra to break the window. (她用一根棒子砸碎了窗戶。)
3. Don't mess with that porra, he's dangerous. (別惹那個家伙,他很危險。)
4. The police porraed the suspect's car window. (用棍子敲打嫌疑人的車窗。)
5. The porra tree can withstand strong winds and heavy rain. (這種樹木可以抵御強風和暴雨。)
1. 棒子(stick):指代一種長而細的物體,可以用于打擊、敲打或者支撐。
2. 球棒(bat):指代一種用于擊球運動的長棍狀物。
3. 家伙(guy):指代男性或者不知名的人,具有中性或者輕蔑的語氣。
4. 打擊(hit):指代使用力量或者物體進行猛烈的打擊。
5. 敲打(knock):指代使用手或者工具輕輕地敲打某物。