更新時間:2024-03-27 03:54作者:小編
Playback_progress_bar refers to a playback progress bar, which is a control used to display the playback progress of media files (such as videos, audios, etc.). It allows users to keep track of the current playback position and control the playback by dragging the control bar to fast forward, rewind or pause.
/playb?k pr??ɡres bɑ?r/
Playback_progress_bar is commonly used in media players or video editing software as a visual tool for users to manipulate media files. It displays the current playback position and updates the progress bar in real-time according to user operations. Users can also control the playback progress by clicking or dragging the control bar.
1. The playback progress bar at the bottom of the screen allows you to easily navigate through the video.
2. You can use the playback progress bar to skip to a specific part of the video.
3. The playback progress bar also shows how much of the video has been buffered.
4. If you want to pause the video, simply click on the playback progress bar.
5. The red line on the playback progress bar indicates the current playback position.
1. Time bar:時間欄,也是一種顯示媒體文件播放進度的控件。
2. Scrubber:刷子,也是一種可以拖動來播放位置的控件。