更新時間:2024-03-25 14:29作者:小編
Nameplate is a type of label or tag that is usually attached to an item to display information such as the name, specifications, and manufacturer of the item.
Nameplate is commonly used as a noun to refer to a type of label or tag. It can refer to the label on an item itself or the label attached to an item. Additionally, in the automotive industry, nameplate can also refer to a manufacturer's emblem on a car.
1. The nameplate on the back of my lap shows the model and serial number.
2. The nameplate on this painting indicates that it was created by a famous artist.
3. The company's nameplate proudly displays their logo and slogan.
4. The car's nameplate was covered with dirt and difficult to read.
5. The nameplate was so small that I had to squint to read the fine print.
1. Plaque: a flat, often decorative, piece of metal or wood with writing on it, used as a memorial or for indicating ownership.
用法:The plaque on the bench commemorates the park's founder.
2. Label: a small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it.
用法:The label on the bottle lists the ingredients in this shampoo.
3. Badge: a small piece of metal or plastic with words or a design on it, worn to show rank, membership of an organization, or as part of a uniform.
用法:The police officer proudly displayed his badge on his uniform.