更新時間:2024-03-25 10:25作者:小編
1. The mountaindew glistened on the grass in the early morning. (早晨,山上的露水在草地上閃耀著。)
2. We woke up to find our tents covered in mountaindew. (我們醒來帳篷上覆蓋著露水。)
3. The hikers quenched their thirst with the refreshing mountaindew they found along the trail. (徒步旅行者們在路邊了清涼爽口的山露,并用它解渴。)
4. The mountaindew dripped from the leaves and onto my hand as I brushed past them on my hike. (當我徒步穿過樹林時,山露從樹葉上滴落到我的手上。)
5. The mountaindew on the grass sparkled in the sunlight, creating a magical and serene atmosphere. (草地上的山露在陽光下閃爍,營造出一個神奇寧靜的氛圍。)
1. dew:與mountaindew相同,都指露水。
2. droplets:指小水滴,可以用來形容山露的形狀。
3. moisture:指濕氣、水分,可以用來形容山露的特性。