更新時間:2024-03-28 17:18作者:小編
?temptation [temp'te??(?)n]
1. temptation作為名詞,表示“引誘、誘惑”,常用于形容人的欲望或者行為。
2. temptation也可以表示“吸引力”,指某種事物或者情況對人產生的強烈吸引力。
1. The temptation of money often leads people to do things they wouldn't normally do.
2. She couldn't resist the temptation of the delicious chocolate cake and ended up eating three slices.
3. The temptation to cheat on the exam was too great for him to resist.
4. The beautiful scenery of the island is a major temptation for tourists.
5. He was able to resist the temptation to buy another expensive watch, even though he really wanted it.
1. lure [l?r] n./v. 誘惑,引誘
2. enticement [?n'ta?sm?nt] n. 誘惑,引誘
3. allurement [?'l??m?nt] n. 誘惑,引誘
4. seduction [s?'d?k?(?)n] n. 引誘,勾引
5. temptation和以上同義詞都可以表示“引誘、吸引”,但是有些差別。temptation更多指對人的欲望或者行為的影響,而lure、enticement、allurement等則更多指對人的物質或者感官的吸引。seduction則更多指性方面的吸引力。