更新時間:2024-03-27 11:41作者:小編
1. 名詞:指物體的一側或邊緣。
2. 名詞:指某個事物的某一方面。
3. 形容詞:表示在某一側的。
4. 形容詞:表示對立的一方,通常與“other”連用。
5. 動詞:支持、附和某個人或某個觀點。
1. The cat was sleeping on the side of the bed.
2. We need to consider both sides of the argument.
3. She always stands on the opposite side of her sister in arguments.
4. The car was parked on the side of the road.
5. I will always be by your side, no matter what happens.
1. edge:指物體的尖銳邊緣或界限。:The knife has a sharp edge.
2. aspect:指某個事物的某一方面。:We need to consider every aspect of the problem.
3. flank:指物體的側面或身體的側面。:The soldiers were attacked from both flanks.
4. support:指支持或支撐某人或某事物。:She always supports her friends in their endeavors.