更新時間:2024-03-23 10:43作者:小編
1. 芬蘭首都:赫爾辛基是芬蘭的首都,也是、文化和經(jīng)濟中心。
Helsinki is the capital of Finland and also the political, cultural, and economic center.
2. 城市名稱:赫爾辛基這個詞來自于瑞典語“Helsingfors”,意為“海港”的意思。
The name Helsinki comes from the Swedish word "Helsingfors", which means "sea port".
3. 芬蘭語發(fā)音:在芬蘭語中,赫爾辛基被稱為“Helsinki” [hel?si?ki]。
In Finnish, Helsinki is pronounced as "Helsinki" [hel?si?ki].
4. 例句:
I plan to travel to Helsinki next month.
Helsinki is a beautiful city worth visiting.
5. 同義詞及用法:
a) 芬蘭首都:赫爾辛基是芬蘭的首都,也可以用“Helsingfors”來代替。
Capital of Finland: Helsinki is the capital of Finland and can also be referred to as "Helsingfors".
b) 海港:赫爾辛基是一個重要的海港城市,也可以用“sea port”來表示。
Sea port: Helsinki is an important sea port city and can also be referred to as "sea port".