更新時間:2024-03-23 05:49作者:小編
?物阜民豐(wù fù mín fēng)是一個成語,出自《孟子·盡心上》。原意為“物產(chǎn)豐富,人民富裕”,形容繁榮昌盛,人民生活富足。
1. 這個城市的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展迅速,物阜民豐。
This city has developed rapidly, with abundant resources and prosperous people.
2. 這個實施了一系列扶貧,使得全國各地都變得物阜民豐。
This country has implemented a series of poverty alleviation policies, making the whole country abundant in resources and prosperous in people's lives.
3. 在這個小村莊里,每家每戶都擁有自己的房子和土地,生活物阜民豐。
In this small village, every household owns their own house and land, and their lives are abundant and prosperous.
4. 今天是我們獨立日,讓我們一起慶祝變得物阜民豐。
Today is our country's Independence Day, let's celebrate together the abundance and prosperity of our nation.
5. 在過去的幾年里,這個城市經(jīng)濟騰飛,人民生活水平提高,真可謂物阜民豐。
In the past few years, this city's economy has taken off and people's living standards have improved, truly becoming abundant and prosperous.
1. 富裕:形容財富充裕、生活富足。
2. 興旺:形容繁榮昌盛、興盛發(fā)達。
3. 繁榮:形容經(jīng)濟發(fā)展迅速、社會富強。
4. 蒸蒸日上:比喻發(fā)展迅速、興旺昌盛。
5. 光彩奪目:比喻繁榮昌盛、生機勃勃。